Saturday, February 12, 2011

Load Day 2

I'm not sure how much loading I can stand to do.  I really feel ill from all the fats and junk food.  I'll be glad to start the protocol on Monday. 

While loading, eat as much fat as possible.  (As Americans, this should be fairly easy to do.)   Most people are actually deficient in dietary fats due to strenuous dieting and the mistaken notion that fats cause you to be fat.  Fats are required in the diet for mental strength (fats build the brain and nerves!), help with beautiful skin, prevent aging, and create hormones.  I always cringe when I see parents put young children on fat restricted diets - and I'm not sure fat-restricted diets are that good for grown ups, either.

I never eat fake fats.  No margarine, no "fat free" dairy.  Full fat butter, full fat dairy, olive oil.  The only time I restrict fats is on a temporary basis.  (Carbs are what tend to cause me to gain weight - that and emotional stresses that lead me to overeat.)

Great foods to load on?

Sour cream, cream cheese, full fat diary, ice cream, avocados, nuts and nut butters, hamburgers and fried foods (this is a good time to say goodbye to them!).  You're not after carbs so much - but fat, fat, fat! 

The whole thing is rather counterinutitive to me.  Start a diet by eating fatty foods? Loading helps control hunger as the hCG kicks in.  And it really works.  And, believe it or not, loading properly with high fat foods helps you lose more weight! 

Don't skip your load days.  I'm off to go eat some ice cream!

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