Sunday, May 15, 2011

When You Fail To Plan, You Plan to Fail

Right now, I feel like I've got workouts handled.  Mat Gover over at EXL Fitness keeps me on the straight and narrow regarding my workouts (and starting next month, I plan to add Cardio Camp to Boot Camp to fire up my metabolism even more).

However, exercise is only part of the weight loss equation.  The other part is the part I struggle with.


I like to eat.  And like most people, I like to eat things that end to pack on pounds.  Sweet and salty refined carbs. 

I tend to *forget* to eat.  The problem with that is two fold - one, your body begins to think you're starving and your metabolism slows to conserve fuel, and two, when you do remember to eat, you eat a lot more than you would if you'd eaten regular small meals.

So you have to plan ahead.

I've been using protein shakes and protein bars to boost my protein intake and to make sure I'm consuming small meals at least every 3 hours.  I seldom remember to eat a full meal, but I make sure I have what I need to fix a supplemental meal frequently. 

I also plan my meals a week in advance. has been a huge help there.  When I already know what I'm cooking for dinner, and I have all the ingredients on hand, it's a lot easier to cook at home, where I can control what's going into my food. 

So take the time.  Sit down for an hour a week, plan your evening meals with your family, plan your nutrition for the rest of the day, and you'll find that you feel like you're eating all the time, you're never hungry, and you're losing bodyfat.

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